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Listen to this Podcast on Physical Therapy and Total Knee Replacements

Listen to this Podcast on Physical Therapy and Total Knee Replacements

Our expert team of physical therapists at Wells PT share some of the newest research on physical therapy and total joint replacements in this recent podcast. We include studies from premier publications like Lancet, Hospital for Special Surgeries, and JAMA. Our primary focus is on Total Knee replacements, but many principles like “pre-hab,” or exercises before surgery, and post-surgical physical therapy for other joints apply.

Tech to Help Your Arthritis and Pain

Tech to Help Your Arthritis and Pain

Are you or a loved one tired of living with the pain of osteoarthritis? Discover how innovative technology, combined with physical therapy, can transform your life. From wearable devices and mobile apps to telehealth and assistive devices, there are countless ways our Naples and Ponte Vedra PTs can help. Enjoy this free article and give us a call to book an physical therapy evaluation today!

Could Combining Supplements Help Your Knee Arthritis?

Could Combining Supplements Help Your Knee Arthritis?

Many physical therapists and even our own clients know the standard supplement for arthritis for years has been glucosamine. But what if you combined other supplements together: could you get a bigger impact and would it be safe? A new study is out that looks at combining supplements and their effects on physical therapy specific measures like pain, ROM, and function in those with knee arthritis.

Waiting for Physical Therapy Can Be Costly

Waiting for Physical Therapy Can Be Costly

A recent client called our practice to get PT because of long wait times with insurance based clinics. Don’t delay your care because of insurance — this can cost you progress and more money! Call us today to book a cash based, private, concierge physical therapy session.

Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Physical Therapy

Plant-Based Diet: Weight Loss and Arthritis Hope?

By Dr. Sean Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC/L, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, CNPT, Cert-DN

A recent study published in Obesity Science and Practice shows promise for those wanting to lose weight, improve their metabolic status, and possibly reduce arthritis symptoms: all with dietary changes. The researchers examined 244 overweight individuals for 16 weeks. The participants were randomly assigned to either a low fat plant-based diet or a control group that made no dietary changes. Both groups looked identical at the beginning of the study with similar body composition measures, insulin metrics, and self-reported advanced-glycation end-products consumption (AGEs). 

After the 16 week intervention, the subjects in the plant-based group noted a significant reduction in body mass of 14 lbs compared to the 1 lb weight loss in the control group. Researchers noted that the plant-based group saw a significant reduction in fat mass, notably visceral fat. Another major finding from the study was that AGEs were reduced by 79% in the plant-based group, while they only went down 15% in the control group.

This study is significant to patients in that several physical therapy clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) ask physical therapists (PTs) to discuss weight loss to improve several common conditions. One such condition would be hip arthritis (OA), which patients commonly present with hip pain and obesity. Obesity increases systemic inflammation due to metabolic factors and inflammatory compounds released by fat cells. Moreover, obesity does increase and alters the loading of the hips and other joints, which may also contribute further to arthritis. Reducing body fat, as seen in this specific study using a plant-based diet, would significantly help patients with hip OA. Despite all of these benefits and guidelines, many traditional insurance-based physical therapist never breach the subject of weight loss or nutrition. Our practice is different and our Wells Physical Therapy team can help you lose weight.

Another finding from this study was that patients in the plant based group reduced their consumption of certain aging and arthritis-promoting compounds called AGEs. When people eat foods high in AGEs they can see their arthritis flare, noting significant increases in joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. AGEs are linked with interrupting joint collagen synthesis, inflammation, and metabolic dysfunction. These compounds are formed during cooking, typically with meat over high heat and with sugar (think barbeque ribs as the worse). Reducing foods, particularly meat, that contribute to AGE intake will further help reduce inflammation and pain for patients with arthritis. A plant-based diet, which predominantly focuses on reducing animal products and processed foods, would be an ideal diet to reduce AGEs in our PT patients. Our PTs can help guide you to foods that will help you reduce pain, inflammation, and overall health.

Interestingly the findings from this study seem amazing but are not surprising to me and the PTs that work with me. For years we have seen the positive benefits of a plant-based diet for our patients with arthritic, cardiac, and diabetic conditions. We have seen patients lose weight, get stronger with our exercises, and reduce their joint pain and inflammation.

Call us today and schedule an evaluation with one of our skilled Doctors of Physical Therapy: 904-568-1156


Disclaimer: The above article is written as an opinion piece and does not convey specific legal, medical, and/or practice act advice. 


Dr. Otto is Certified In Dry Needling

Dr. Otto is Certified In Dry Needling

Congrats to Dr. Otto for earning his Certificate in Dry Needling. He is the only mobile dry needling physical therapist in the Naples area.

Arthritis, PT, and Weight Loss

Arthritis, PT, and Weight Loss

Arthritis of the knee, hip, and back are common ailments seen in our St. Augustine physical therapy location. Arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis (OA), occurs when a joint is painful and limited in motion…

Dry Needling in Florida?

Dry Needling in Florida?

Dry needling is coming to Florida. What is it, what does the research say, and are physical therapists safe to perform it? We answer this and more…

Is there a magic amount of time to exercise for arthritis?

In a study of 1,600 adults with osteoarthritis (OA), researchers from Northwestern University found the right amount of time to exercise for sustaining function and keeping pain down. The study showed any activity or exercise is better than none; however, those who did at least 45 minutes of moderate activity (such as fast walking, moderate cycling) had the best functioing and pain scores after a 2 year follow up. Unfortunately only 10% of adults with OA meet the 45 minute goal, many due to the misinformed notion that pain means they are damaging their joints further (a concept debunked by modern pain science). So, get out and move or call your local PT today for a tune-up before you start!

Knee Arthritis - Pay for What Works

A recent study of nearly 86,000 subjects found the treatment for knee arthritis did not follow research supported clinical practice guidelines. The study showed physicians heavily used steroid and hyaluronic acid (HA) injections - 46% and 18% of the time - despite little evidence to support these interventions. More sadly physical therapy was used only13% of the time, despite PT being an evidenced based and cost effective treatment. 

The total cost for care for the subjects' knee OA was reflected by HA injections at 29.2%, which the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon's classifies this treatment as "strongly - cannot recommend". Meanwhile PT only reflected a total cost of roughly 10%.

PT is a cost effective treatment for knee pain. Call today for a consult!
