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Academic Journal Publications and Presentations

At Wells Physical Therapy, we are committed to advancing the field of rehabilitation through evidence-based research and expert insights. Our publications cover a wide range of topics, including injury prevention, pain management, mobility enhancement, and innovative treatment techniques.

Led by Dr. Sean M. Wells, our research explores the latest advancements in physical therapy, athletic training, and wellness, ensuring that our patients receive the highest standard of care. From peer-reviewed studies to industry articles, our work reflects our dedication to continuous learning and professional excellence.

Explore our latest publications to stay informed about cutting-edge therapies, exercise science, and the best practices in physical rehabilitation. Whether you’re a fellow healthcare professional or a patient seeking expert knowledge, our research provides valuable insights to support optimal recovery and long-term well-being.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Keynote Speech: Nutrition Considerations for Orthopedics

Wells S. Southwest Florida Orthopedics Conference. June 2023. Fort Myers, FL.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Immergo Virtual Reality and PT Presentation

Elor A, Powell M, Robbins A, Wells S. Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA. Feb 2022. San Antonio, TX.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy


Wells, Sean. Hip and Spine Biomechanics. National Strength and Conditioning Association Florida State Clinic. May 2016. University of North Florida.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Orthopedic Considerations in Athletes

Wells, Sean. Orthopedic Considerations in Athletes. National Strength and Conditioning Association Florida State Clinic. September 2015. Barry University.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy


Wells S, Shamus E. In Shamus E. Quick Answers-Physiotherapy. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, New York, 2012.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Acute Wound Healing

Beam JW, Wells SM. Intertester Reliability of a Semiautomatic Digital Imaging Method to Measure Acute Wound Healing. NATA Research & Education Foundation Free Communications (Oral), National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia, St. Louis, MO, June 2008. [Abstract] Journal of Athletic Training. 2008; 43:S53.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Lifespan Extension

Hatle JD, Peterson K, Jawaid I, Lentz C, Wells SM, and Fronstin R. Protein Accumulation Underlying Lifespan Extension via Ovariectomy in Grasshoppers is Consistent with the Disposable Soma Hypothesis (RSPB-2008-0469). Proc. R. Soc. B. Mar 2008.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Caloric Restriction and Lifespan

Hatle JD, Wells SM, Fuller EL et al. Calorie restriction and late-onset calorie restriction extend lifespan but do not alter protein storage in female grasshoppers. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2006 Dec; 127(12):883-91.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting

Wells SM, Hatle JD, Allen CI, Fuller E, Melnyk S, Quattrochi J. (2004). Effects of Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting on Lubber Grasshoppers’ Longevity. The Osprey Journal of Ideas and Inquiry.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy


Wells S. Significant Improvement in Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis in a Patient with Sjogren’s Syndrome: a Case Presentation from Direct Access. Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) 2013. San Diego, CA

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Total Knee Replacement

Wells SM, Hunt D, Craddock J. Dislocation of a Total Knee Replacement Immediately Following Surgery: Implications for Rehabilitation. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2012. Las Vegas, NV.

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy

Acute Wound Healing

Beam J, Wells SM. Intertester Reliability of a Semiautomatic Digital Imaging Method to Measure Acute Wound Healing. NATA Research & Education Foundation Free Communications (Oral). National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia 2008. St. Louis, MO

Dr Sean Wells of Wells Physical Therapy


Hatle J, Wells SM. “Calorie restriction enhances longevity without altering hemolymph protein or lipid storage in female grasshoppers.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2005. Orlando, FL